Matti Parviainen |
Choose which roles I'm representing; which is my primary/favorite role
Browse a collection of skills and choose which match my professional profile
Add "reaction" to each skill: love this, hate this, learning more of this... Ideally whatsapp-style shortlist of typical reactions, to be chosen from a small set of phosphoricons
Add, edit, delete wishes in text format (markdown?). Timestamp should be visible in the wish.
Assign new hire to 1-N roles; add primary/favorite
Add/edit/delete skills from a big (prepopulated) collection of skills
Add, edit, delete notes in text format (markdown?). Timestamp should be visible in the note. Ideally, a manager can add a wish on the employee's behalf.
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Matti Parviainen
Status changed to: Live
Matti Parviainen
Very powerful for filtering
Matti Parviainen
Status changed to: In progress